Home Food & Health Unveil the Healing Power of Tulsi

Unveil the Healing Power of Tulsi

Power of Tulsi

Tulsi is widely referred to as the “Queen of Herbs” in the region of India. It is also known as “holy basil” and has various uses and benefits. The leaves of tulsi are enriched with vitamins A, C and K, along with minerals like phosphorus, iron, calcium, etc. Tulsi is a crucial component of “Ayurveda” and has tons of health benefits that are backed by various studies. 

Here are some points that will showcase the healing properties of tulsi:

  1. Helps in Curing Fever

    Tulsi is well-known for its anti-viral and antibacterial properties. These help the human body to fight against various infections, which is why it is so effective in reducing fever. 

  2. Minimizes Stress and Blood Pressure

    Tulsi helps in the reduction of stress from the human body through its contains of Ocimumosides A and B compounds. It also helps in balancing the neurotransmitters serotonin, as well as, dopamine in the brain. Tulsi also has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce blood pressure and inflammation. 

  3. Helps to Lower Glucose Levels

    According to recent studies, it is seen that patients with type 2 diabetes, who have consumed tulsi leaves extract, have lower blood glucose levels. Thus, it is widely deemed good for consumption for patients with diabetes.

  4. Helpful Against Kidney Stones

    Tulsi contains diuretic properties and it helps to detoxify your body. It significantly reduces the uric acid levels in your body, which is a major reason behind the formation of kidney stones. Also, by reducing the levels of uric acid in the body, tulsi helps to provide comfort to patients who are suffering from Gout, a complex form of arthritis. 

  5. Helps to Cure Indigestion

    People consume tulsi leaves as it helps to cure loss of appetite and indigestion. Its leaves are also commonly used around the regions of southeast Asia for the treatment of bloating and flatulence.

  6. Effective Against Mouth Ulcers

    Tulsi is known to be very effective against mouth ulcers and helps individuals to get relief from the pain. This is why many herbal toothpaste companies use tulsi as a crucial ingredient. Tulsi also has incredible gum and teeth strengthening properties, which makes it a “full-scale” solution for a wide range of dental health issues.

  7. Useful Against Eczema

    Eczema is a condition that causes inflamed, dry and itchy skin and is common among children. Tulsi is popularly used to treat this skin condition and it subdues skin irritation and itching with a lasting effect. There are tons of topical ointments, creams, and digestible pills that are marketed as a cure for eczema and contain tulsi as a prime ingredient. 

  8. Helps Against Respiratory Disorders

    Some other vital compounds like cineole, eugenol and camphene can also be found within tulsi. These help to cure bacterial, viral and fungal infections of the respiratory system, thus being effective to reduce problems like congestion and cold within the chest. Also, tulsi leaf juice, when mixed with ginger and honey, is said to be effective against bronchitis, influenza, asthma, cough, etc.


These have been some of the known healing properties of tulsi or holy basil. There are many other benefits of tulsi, like its effectiveness in stress reduction, blood purification, roles as an insect repellent, natural immunity booster, etc. You should consult with your doctor to know about how to properly use it and in which amount.

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