Home Lifestyle 5 Ways Journaling Can Benefit You

5 Ways Journaling Can Benefit You

Ways Journaling

Many people confuse the acts of diary writing and journaling as the same, and to some extent, they are, but there are some crucial differences between them. Diary writing helps us keep records of our day-to-day experiences and personal observations. On the other hand, journaling is a broad idea that may include jotting down random thoughts, ideas, dreams, and goals, recording progress, sketches, and doodles. Research says journaling is beneficial for our mental health. And if you are curious about journaling or want to keep a journal, read on. Here we will discuss the benefits of journaling.

  1. Log your ideas, thoughts, and dreams. 

    Journaling has been an age-old habit. In older times, people used to keep different kinds of journals- like dream journals or prayer journals. 

    An idea can occur at any time of the day, and if you want to keep your innovative ideas, journaling is the best option. We cannot remember every little detail for a long time, and a journal helps you archive your ideas, dreams, and observations upon some event so that you can use them as inspiration later.

  2. Upscale your writing.

    Yes, you can add doodles, pictures, and sketches to your journal, but there are a few who would not scribble some words in their journal. You improve your writing style and ability when you write regularly. In the beginning, you may not be able to decide on topics to write on, but as you write down your thoughts or observations, you will slowly get into the habit of writing more vigorously.

  3. Set your goals and achieve them.

    A journal is a great place to write down your ambitions and goals. Here you can make a simple do list for the next day or a plan for how you wish to pursue your future goals. When you write your goals in your journal, you can focus on them and track your progress. Set some simple goals, to begin with, your journaling. This way, you could easily achieve your goals and feel motivated to continue setting new ones.

  4. Pause and reflect.

    Modern life is fast-paced, and we hardly get the time to observe what is happening around us and even our emotions or how we feel about certain things. But journaling provides you with a chance to pause and reflect. You can write how you felt about a situation and if you want to improve certain aspects of your personality, like lack of confidence. And when you write it down, it becomes easier to address and resolve the issue.

    Self-analysis is a great way to develop one’s personality. Writing your emotions and feelings in a journal makes way for reflection. Your journal can even serve as a mood tracker. Many people also keep gratitude journals to feel positive about life.

  5. To distress and get creative.

    Years of study have shown that journaling can improve mental health. Nowadays, it is common for people to feel stress and anxiety in their daily lives. And if anxiety, frustration, and stress accumulate over time, they can cause a panic attack or, even worse, depression. That is why we must unwind and vent these negative emotions. A journal is the best place to write down these emotions and lighten your chest so you do not feel crushed under these harmful feelings.

Also, writing is not the only way of journaling; you can add doodles and sketches. Creativity also helps you distress healthily. 


These days, people use blogs and other social media platforms to record thoughts or their journeys through life. But journaling still fascinates many people. And here, we have discussed 5 ways journaling can help us to become a better version of ourselves.

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