Home Money What can you do to beat inflation?

What can you do to beat inflation?

How inflation affects your wallet: Tips for managing inflationary pressures

A wide range of factors could be the cause of rising prices in the country, which is reflected by the concept of ‘inflation.’ In case the cost of labourers or raw materials used in production rises, it may result in inflation. To beat inflation entails making more money than the rate of inflation in the economy. Your returns will be nonexistent in case the levels of price essentially increase beyond those returns you are getting.

What exactly is inflation?

‘Inflation’ is the general word for the case when the price of products and services increases. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures how much a representative basket of goods and services at standard quantity is consumed by households. 

It is the most frequently used measure of inflation. Major changes in the price of a specified commodity or service may result in a higher or lower index of CPI.

How can you fight inflation and save money?

Since inflation reduces buying power, it can have a major effect on your capacity to maintain financial stability. To effectively resist inflation and preserve money, take into consideration these strategies.

  1. Evaluate your budget

    A budget is, in essence, a financial plan. Without a plan, you run the danger of losing track of your hard-earned money. When costs increase, having a budget that accounts for inflation will help you make better decisions. While you probably can’t do much about your rent or mortgage, you might be able to reduce your entertainment or subscription bills.

  2. Diversity income

    It may be risky to allocate all the money in one income source under these conditions, especially when inflation is raging. Explore platforms of part-time jobs, freelancers or rental properties, and dividend-paying securities that can increase your income diversification. If inflation occurs in one source of income, the presence of many sources lowers the risk of financial instability.

  3. Invest in good businesses with low capital requirements

    In the case of inflation, it may be a good idea to invest in companies that have the capacity for a big profit and that keep spending low. Find and employ smaller or new companies that require low launch costs. This method allows for the funds to grow through a positive environment even in inflationary times and at the same mitigates the risk.

  4. Pay attention to TIPS

    A government instrument called Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) is intended to shield you from inflation. Alternatively, it may fluctuate in line with the Consumer Price Index’s measurement of inflation (CPI). An increase in inflation might help you receive larger income payments. The advantage is that you never have to worry about losing your initial principal investment at maturity. You either get the original value or the higher adjusted principal.

  5. Understand traditional bonds

    Conventional bonds may yield consistent returns, But because of their set interest rates, they may lose value in an inflationary environment. In the context of inflation, it is critical to comprehend the risk involved with classic bonds. Choosing shorter-term bonds or diversifying with inflation-adjusted bonds might help reduce possible losses.

  6. Limit your needs

    Reducing non-essential spending is important when there is inflation. Spend less on optional items and concentrate on buying basics. You may lessen the effect of growing costs by separating necessities from desires and allocating more money for investments and savings.

  7. Speak with a professional

    Consider talking to a financial advisor if you are worried about how inflation is impacting your finances. To help you reach your short- and long-term objectives, a financial adviser helps you to develop a customised strategy for saving and investing your money.


Strategic planning, income diversification, prudent investment, and expert consultation are all necessary for combating inflation. In a climate of inflation, taking these precautions can help preserve your purchasing power and guarantee financial security.

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