Home Food & Health Natural foods that boost your immune system

Natural foods that boost your immune system

Natural foods

The entire world is going through a pandemic now and no one knows who will get affected in what way. At such a time, we all need to be extremely careful and take the best possible care of our health and wellness. If the immunity system is strong, you can face the health challenges with greater ease. This is why you need to eat the types of food that naturally boosts your immune system. Take a look at this article to know more about the natural ways in which you can help your body to have better immunity.

  • Citrus fruits –
    Vitamin C is one of the most natural immunity boosters. Vitamin C fights the strongest of viruses by making the immunity system very strong. Citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin c. This is why you should eat oranges, lemons and tangerines regularly. Apart from the citrus fruits, vitamin c is also found in some other fruits such as kiwi, guava and red bell peppers. Have these on a regular basis and you will stay a lot healthier.
  • Garlic –
    Garlic is highly medicinal. It is a natural infection fighter and it also has anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, garlic keeps you strong from within and helps to boost up your immune system. Ensure you look your gravies and sauces with enough garlic and also eat a few cloves of raw garlic as and when possible.
  • Turmeric –
    Curcumin, the main element in turmeric, is extremely beneficial for the body. It has several medical uses, including the strengthening of the immune system. Turmeric is also widely used in Indian cooking so you should be getting enough turmeric every day. If not, make sure you increase the consumption of turmeric and supply this vital nutrient to your immune system.
  • Broccoli –
    The humble broccoli is a superfood in the truest form of the word. Broccoli is loaded with Vitamins A, C and E, all of which help to boost the immune system. Broccoli is also one of the largest sources of dietary fibre which helps you to stay fit. And finally, it is a powerhouse of antioxidants. All-in-all, broccoli is the superfood you need to keep your immune system up and running!
  • Yoghurt –
    As you already know, Vitamin D is an important nutrient needed by the immune system of the human body. This vitamin, however, is rarely found in any food. Yoghurt is an exception and it is full of vitamin D. This is why you should eat yoghurt every single day. Try to get the unsweetened and unflavoured yoghurt as the artificial additions reduce the nutritional value of the food.

These are some of the best natural foods that help boost your immune system. Ensure you include all of these in your daily diet. Fortunately, most of the food items mentioned above are used in everyday Indian meals, so you don’t have to do much extra. Eat healthily and keep yourself and your loved ones protected.

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