Home Body & Mind The Best Skin-Care Routine for Your 30s

The Best Skin-Care Routine for Your 30s

Skin-Care Routine

The skincare routine is a must for the 30s for maintaining the natural glow from within, which is to rejuvenate the skin cells and give you protection against antioxidants, UV Rays, environmental stressors, daily life stress, all the fine lines, wrinkles, and pores will say goodbye and the skin will start to breathe again.

  1. The CTM routine is to be followed in the Morning.

    In the morning, the skin is to be cleaned with a mild cleanser, after that the toning will help you to maintain the PH of the skin and tighten the pores, eliminating toxins, followed by the use of moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. The moisturizer should have SPF, or you should use sunscreen for delaying the aging process.

  2. Sunscreen 

    The sun rays have UV A rays, which penetrate the skin tissue and destroy the elasticity of the skin, making it prone to wrinkles, and fine lines, so the use of Sunscreen is a must and always use protection when being exposed to Sun.

  3. Exfoliation

    Skin exfoliation should be done weekly to get rid of the dead cells and debris in your skin. The use of PHA/AHA/BHA can be done as per your choice. You can use any homemade scrubber also for exfoliation, like sugar dust, olive oil and coffee, or sugar dust, olive oil and honey.

  4. Vitamin C

    The use of vitamin C, mainly the L ascorbic acid may ensure value addition to the texture of your skin, this will minimize the free radical damage to the skin.

  5. Retinol

    This is the key to the anti-ageing regime, you can manage the large pores and pigmentation with the help of retinol, but this is to be used at night time only, not in the morning by any means, Retinol is not to be used with vitamin C also. The retinol makes the skin a little dry, so make sure that in the morning the skin is moisturized very well. Retinol will improve collagen production and repair the elasticity of the skin tissues. 

  6. Salicylic acid 

    This is an important ingredient for managing acne and removing dead cells and unclogging the blocked pores. 

  7. Hyaluronic acid 

    This unique ingredient is not to be used on dry skin, it should be used on wet skin so that the hyaluronic acid helps the water to penetrate the skin tissue and keep the skin hydrated, this can be used in the morning or at night.

  8. Night cream 

    The night care routine to be followed again like morning, the CTM routine and then the use of night cream will repair the skin at night and regenerates collagen production as well. 

  9. Eye cream

    The under-eye area is the sensitive part of the face, where the sign of aging comes first, the gentle message of the eye cream will strengthen the face and help in collagen production.

  10. Natural oil 

    A massage with a natural oil like olive oil, virgin coconut oil, or sesame oil in the morning and evening for 5 minutes will keep your skin hydrated and prevent wrinkles and fine lines.

  11. Home remedies 

    The use of glycerine, aloe vera, and flaxseed gel will also keep you hydrated.

Firstly you have to understand your skin type well for the application of all the skin care regimes, besides these, the stress factor can be well managed with regular exercise, good food quality and yoga to give a healthy glow from within.

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