Home Lifestyle The importance of sleep during pregnancy

The importance of sleep during pregnancy

importance of sleep during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a magical time for most women. The joys of nurturing a life within you are really unparalleled. However, your body does go through many changes during pregnancy and this is why you need to eat and sleep very well at this time. Food and sleep both provide the required nourishment for your body as well as your mind. Here are some reasons why sleep is so important for a mom-to-be:

  • Promotes the growth hormones –

    When you are pregnant, your placenta produces a growth hormone that allows your baby to grow in a healthy way. Like with all other hormones of the body, this hormone is secreted smoothly when you sleep. This is therefore a very crucial reason why you need proper sleep during your pregnancy.

  • Helps beat exhaustion –

    As stated, your body goes through several changes at this time. As a result, it is common for you to feel tired and exhausted at all times. This is why you need to sleep and rest well to beat this exhaustion. Unless you sleep properly and sufficiently, you will feel more tired.

  • Keeps you mentally alert and stable –

    Pregnancy is a phase where you have many doubts and worries. It is natural for expectant mothers to worry about things. Everything from the delivery to caring for the newborn to financial challenges poses worry factors. This also increases stress and anxiety in pregnant women. But if you sleep well and keep your mind alert, you will be able to process these thoughts in a better manner and that will help to reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Aids indigestion –

    Nutrition during pregnancy is very important. Remember, you’re not just eating for yourself – you’re eating for your baby too. This is why the food you eat should get digested and the nutrients should be absorbed properly by your body. When you sleep well, the digestive system works well too. Also, improper sleep can lead to digestive issues which in turn can aggravate the common pregnancy issues such as nausea and acid reflux. So get a lot of sleep and you will automatically feel better.

  • Keep your BP under control –

    Another common pregnancy issue is high blood pressure. Even women who never experience hypertension otherwise, tend to suffer from high levels of BP while they are pregnant. Hypertension is badly aggravated by lack of sleep. Therefore, you need to get sufficient amounts of sleep to ensure your BP problem is not aggravated at any time during your pregnancy.

These are some of the main reasons why sleep is so important during pregnancy. If you are an expectant mother, make sure you get at least six to eight hours of sleep each night. Be agile, get your share of work and exercising done, but also get the rest that you need.

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