Home Body & Mind Understanding the Gut-Brain Connection

Understanding the Gut-Brain Connection

Gut-Brain Connection

The gut-brain axis is a system that is constantly are constantly connecting the gut and the brain. It works as a two-way path where signals get passed. The gut sends signals through a vagus nerve which passes messages about the functioning of the digestive system. The brain passes messages to the gut through hormones which can affect digestion and appetite. Your second brain controls the digestive system, starting from chewing to swallowing and finally to the release of essential enzymes. Ensuring the breakdown of food into small particles, and managing the blood flow for proper absorption of the nutrients.

The gut-brain axis functions in three ways:

  1. Digestive health:
    We can have a stomach ache when we are having stress and anxiety. High levels of stress can interfere with the normal functioning of our digestive system which leads to issues like bloating, cramps, and diarrhoea. A few varieties of foods can also adversely affect your gut and brain, such as high sugar content or very high amounts of refined carbohydrates can create a sudden spike or rise in blood sugar that can lead to anxiety.
  2. Irritable Mood disorder: \
    \Studies have found a link between the gut microbiome and mood disorders like irritation, depression, and anxiousness. The gut microbiome is a group of bacteria, that are stored in the gut. It is also called the second brain, due to the effect it can create on your mental health, like, those with depression, can have lesser levels of certain bacteria in their guts, but those with anxiety, have much higher levels of certain hormones. 
  3. Function of the immune system:
    Not everyone knows that 70% of your immune system is detected in your gut, which means that taking care of your gut health is of utmost importance for the proper functioning of your immune system. Certain types of gut bacteria can ward off dangerous pathogens while others can heal inflammation resulting in the overall support of the immune function.

Ways to take good care of your gut:

Ayurvedic and yogic practices can be really effective in order to support your immune system. Eating warm and freshly cooked meals instead of processed, cold or frozen meals. With regular use of spices like ginger and fennel seeds, one can heal their digestion.

Always being mindful while eating will be highly beneficial in the long run. It is a common practice to drink warm water with lemon nowadays which helps to stimulate proper digestion. Practising Yoga helps in overall health, breathing exercises like pranayam and relaxation techniques have shown immense improvement in health.


We can easily support our physical and mental health if we take proper care of our gut through a healthy diet. Being mindful of our eating habits will definitely show positive results on our overall health. So, start having hearty meals with your family frequently to have a loving gut and brain connection.

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